Case Studies

Client Name


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Project Completed

April, 2019

Client Location


Scope of Work

DealeStrip is an online content creator and social media management company for automotive dealers across the USA. In order to sell such a service they needed to stand out and show they have what it takes to help dealers showcase and promote their businesses and inventory! Understanding their strategy and working closely with their team we were able to;


Client Name

Ontario Synthetics

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Project Completed

March, 2020

Client Location


Scope of Work

Ontario Synthetics is a world renowned synthetic oil distributer in Ontario Canada. The owner had an old website that he had developed 10 years ago that was not optimized for mobile and was not gaining the business that he once was in such a competitive landscape. Furthermore they had no social media presence online or other crucial links to drive business to their website


Client Name

The Stang Stop

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Project Completed

October, 2019

Client Location


Scope of Work

StangStop was an older automotive forum for Mustang Enthusiasts. With recent year of social media marketplaces and groups becoming more popular, forums have taken a back seat. We worked with StangStop to help bring some presence back by developing a main landing page dedicated to their sponsors and vendors which allows them to get more sponsorship money. In addition, launched social media pages to further engage their user base and attract new members. GoogleAds were also implemented which now cover the ongoing maintenance costs of the site making ownership, cost neutral!


Client Name

Legend Innovation Co.

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Project Completed

December, 2019

Client Location


Scope of Work

A newer construction company based out of Austin Texas which has grown quickly and looking to continue to grow its customer base to achieve its vision as a legend in the construction sector in Texas. LIC was extremely strong via word of mouth but had no online presence and was looking to captivate, showcase and generate more business online


Client Name

Unified Communications Group

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Project Completed

June, 2017

Client Location


Scope of Work

A communications company based out of Washington state focusing at providing VoIP, digital communication and other services to the east coast of the USA. Growth has been constant and visibility has been optimized since 2014 to ensure that UCG is achieving its annual targets. UCG was established in 2014 and SAVTEK Solutions was there to create a full digital brand and strategy for the company


Client Name

My Path To Uni

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Project Completed

August, 2019

Client Location

United Arab Emirates

Scope of Work

My Path To Uni is a brand within GEMS Education, one of the largest private K-12 education providers in the world. The site provides access to over 50,000 GEMS high school students & the larger community access to resources and services for post-secondary transition. My Path To Uni consists of a consortium of vetted organizations, companies and higher education institutions providing comprehensive and centralized college and career counselling services to high school students. With an “online first” approach students can have virtual counselling sessions and even partake in remote internships. In just two years MPTU now has over 200 partners and had an impact of providing over 10M USD in scholarships and discounts to GEMS students respectively.


Client Name

Celestial Trading Tools (CTT)

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Project Completed

January, 2020

Client Location

United Kingdom

Scope of Work

Celestial Trading Tools is a FOREX trading platform which uses an Expert Advisor (EA) to automatically conduct trades on the users behalf. Many of these EA’s exist in the market however not many have proven returns which CTT has proven results. SAVTEK helped them increase their online exposure to attract new clients and build their business. FOREX is a competitive market where many try to sell an underperforming product. Therefore SEO was a key part of the long term working strategy for CTT.


Client Name

Canadian University Dubai

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Project Completed

January, 2020

Client Location

United Kingdom

Scope of Work

Canadian University Dubai provides a Canadian curriculum recognized by institutions back in Canada but delivered in Dubai, UAE. With many articulation partners back in Canada, CUD needed a way to show prospective and current students these agreements in a user friendly way. This interactive map of Canada showcases all of the partnerships, the details of the courses and also student success stories to easily showcase these articulations and transfer pathway options. You can however over any part of Canada and see where there are possible partner transfer options.


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